Thursday, January 13, 2011

AKP - Agent Kampuchea Press

via CAAI

AKP, Phnom Penh, January 13, 2011

Cambodia National Assembly President Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin meets here today with H.E. Hon Antonio Cuenco, AIPA Secretary General.

In the meeting, Samdech Heng Samrin told his guest of Cambodia’s preparation for the 32nd AIPA Meeting which will be hosted here this year by Cambodia.

Photo: Hun Yuth Kun


Cambodia Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen inspects the construction site of Tatai Hydropower Dam in Koh Kong province’s Thmar Baing district while he was presiding over its groundbreaking ceremony on Jan. 12.

The 246KW-Tatai Hydropower Dam is the second power investment project from China (worth USD540 million) after Russey Chrum Krom Hydropower Dam.

Photo: Chim Nary.


Groundbreaking of Stung Tatai Hydropower Dam

Phnom Penh, January 13, 2011 AKP – The construction of “Stung Tatai” Hydropower Dam, in Thmar Baing District, Koh Kong province, begun Wednesday in a groundbreaking ceremony presided over by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

This is the second largest project after the building of 338-megawatt “Russey Chrum Krom” Hydropower Dam started two weeks ago in Mondul Seima district.

China National Heavy Machinery was granted with a 42-year investment concession with five years projected for the construction of 246-megawatt “Stung Tatai” Hydropower Dam at the estimated cost of US$540 million, and the rest 37 years for business operation.

The construction of “Stung Tatai” Hydropower Dam is a large investment in electricity production in Cambodia, Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen said, adding that it reflects not only the confidence of the foreign firms in the political stability of Cambodia, but also the correct development strategies of the Royal Government of Cambodia, especially in the field of energy development.

He said the continued efforts for many years in the development of local energy resources would slightly affect the environment and society…and it would also meet the increasing need for energy and would help promote the investment, economic development, and improvement of livelihood of both urban and rural people and promote the process in the government policy for rural electrification.

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen thanked the government of the People’s Republic of China for the support and assistance and for being a close partner with the Royal Government of Cambodia in encouraging the Chinese firms’ investments in Cambodia.

The “Stung Tatai” Hydropower Dam and “Russey Chrum Krom” Hydropower Dam are among the five hydropower projects built under the B.O.T. investment by Chinese companies with the funding support from the government of the People’s Republic of China.

“Kamchay” Hydropower Station in Kampot province is to be completed in August this year, 5 months ahead of schedule. Other two projects under construction are “Atai” Hydropower Station in Pursat province, and “Kirirom 3” Hydropower Station in Koh Kong province.

Lu Wenjun, Director-General of China National Heavy Machinery Corporation, said his corporation would endeavor to build “Stung Tatai” Hydropower Dam to be a magnificent building in Cambodia to bring happiness for the Cambodian people. –AKP

Article in Khmer by CHEY Phum Pul
Article in English by Ravuth M.

DPM Hor Namhong To Attend ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat in Indonesia

Phnom Penh, January 13, 2011 AKP – Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister H.E. Hor Namhong will lead a delegation to attend the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat to be held on Jan. 15-17 in Lombok, Indonesia at the invitation of his Indonesian counterpart Dr. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa.

The meeting will discuss a number of issues, including Exchange of Views on International and Regional Issues, ASEAN Community Building, East Asia Summit, and ASEAN Connectivity, according to a press release of the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation dated Wednesday.

On the sidelines of this Retreat, there will be a special meeting of ASEAN Coordinating Council (ACC) to review the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity, which was adopted by the ASEAN Leaders in October 2010, and to adopt Terms of Reference of the ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee.

In addition, the Cambodian deputy prime minister will hold bilateral talks with his Indonesian counterpart and ASEAN Secretary General Dr. Surin Pitsuwan. –AKP

Information Minister H.E. Khieu Kanharith, meets in Phnom Penh on Jan. 12 with Ms. Anne Bass, Director/Producer Dancing across Border who seeks the support from the minister for the expansion of disseminating work on culture and art at national and international levels.

Photo: Hun Yuth Kun


ECCC: Case 002 Sent for Trial

Phnom Penh, January 13, 2011 AKP – Today, the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has confirmed and partially amended the indictments against the Accused Persons Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea, said an ECCC press release.

The Pre-Trial Chamber has ordered the Accused Persons to be sent for trial and to continue to be held in provisional detention until they are brought before the Trial Chamber, it said, adding that the indictments include charges of crimes against humanity, genocide, grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and murder, torture and religious persecution as defined by the 1956 Cambodian Penal Code.

The Co-Investigating Judges issued a Closing Order with the initial indictments of the Accused Persons on 15 September 2010. All four Accused Persons filed appeals against the Closing Order to the Pre-Trial Chamber.

The Pre-Trial Chamber found that the appeal filed by Khieu Samphan was inadmissible, whereas the appeals filed by Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith and Nuon Chea were found to be admissible in part. Of the admissible parts, the Pre-Trial Chamber dismissed all the grounds of appeal with two exceptions. First, the Pre-Trial Chamber ordered that the Closing Order be amended with a specification for the requirement of the existence of a link between the underlying acts of crimes against humanity and an armed conflict.

Secondly, the Pre-Trial Chamber also found that rape did not exist as a crime against humanity in its own right in the period 1975-1979, but that rape could be considered as “other inhumane acts” within the legal definition of crimes against humanity. The Closing Order was amended accordingly.

The Pre-Trial Chamber will issue reasoned decisions on the appeals at a later date, said the press release. –AKP


Cambodia To Host 30th ATF This Week

Phnom Penh, January 13, 2011 AKP – Cambodia will host the 30th ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) in Phnom Penh from Jan. 15 to 21, according to the Home Page of the Ministry of Tourism.

As many as 1,600 delegates, including 100 international media, will attend the ATF 2011 under the theme of “ASEAN-A World of Wonders and Diversity”.

Cambodian Tourism Minister H.E. Thong Khon will chair the week long forum, the home page added.

Phnom Penh first hosted ATF in 2003, said the home page, stressing that Siem Reap province, home of world heritage and the archaeological sites, and Preah Sihanouk province, the most beautiful and pristine beach, have been selected for pre- and post-tours.

ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) is a cooperative regional effort to promote the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region as one tourist destination. This annual event involves all the tourism industry sectors of the 10 member nations of ASEAN: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. –AKP

By Théng

A performance of British band “Lost Souls Club” was held at Town Club in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Jan. 12.

The group is scheduled to perform for the Cambodian public from Jan. 14.

Photo: Hun Yuth Kun


Cambodia-Vietnam Bilateral Border Gate Upgraded to International Gate

Phnom Penh, January 13, 2011 AKP – Prey Var (Cambodia)-Binh Hiep (Vietnam) bilateral border gate was upgraded into the international border gate in a ceremony held on Jan. 11 in Svay Rieng province.

The Prey Var-Binh Hiep border gate between Svay Rieng province of Cambodia and Long An province of Vietnam was upgraded following the decision of both governments with an aim to facilitate and promote trade, tourism and the development of the two neighbouring countries, said Svay Rieng Provincial Governor H.E. Cheam Am on the occasion.

Both provinces have agreed to open the gate from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm daily, he said. –AKP

By KHAN Sophirom